Anything is Possible

There are many things that may seem impossible now, but are actually in your reach if you look for them. Personally, I was told that many freshmen don’t get internships and it is pointless to look. I thought this was strange because even though I had not taken any classes in my major I still posses certain skills that could be beneficial to any company. I think I am even at an advantage because I am not necessarily specialized yet. Anyways, I don’t know how this happened, and may even seem like it was all luck, but I have an internship this winter with a start-up company called Perfect Burpee.

burpee logo

Background: The idea for this product came from frustration over doing intense workouts on flimsy yoga mats, so they decided to engineer the toughest exercise mat on the market.  Additionally the founders are two Lehigh graduates, who are really passionate about this products launch in January.

What I am doing: I am working with two other interns to create a huge media presence on twitter and on facebook. Our goal is to get as many people as possible excited for the launch event on Kickstarter, which is a funding platform. I am also creating a list of influential people that we will want to contact prior to the launch.

This is an amazing opportunity and it is all due to my persistence and networking. One of the main reasons I was able to become a part of this team was because I put my name out there, I met tons of people my first weeks here at Lehigh, and I am definitely not sitting in my dorm room every night…to give you a sense of what I do I had three meetings last night. I have also learned to say YES. For example, I take on extra responsibilities or if someone is working on a project I ask them about it. The whole point is never let others or statistics determine what you do in your life. I could have listened to people telling me that freshmen don’t get internships, but then I would not have found this opportunity that is already shaping what I want to do in my life. Figuring out now what I enjoy and don’t enjoy makes it so that when I am 50 I will be doing something I love not something I settled for.

Check out their website:

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About chandlerc

I am from Massachusetts, and I grew up raising cows and pigs. I am an avid hiker and baker. I believe ice cream is its own food group and I dream of one day making it to the Mount Everest base camp. I am a Bioengineering major at Lehigh and am also on the pre-med track.

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