Family Weekend

steel stacks

The Lehigh Fordman game

The Lehigh Fordham game


Just this past weekend, Friday through Sunday, was family weekend on campus. My mom, dad, and little brother decided to come up for Friday and Saturday while my older brother decided to come up on Sunday. On Friday parent shad the option to sit in on their child’s class, but because I don’t have any classes on Friday my family and I hung around the campus then visited the campus bookstore down at the campus square. Over the next few days there were several events including tours of campus resources, a football game against Fordham, late night movies and a comedy show.

My family and I didn’t really spend much time on campus, but we did manage to catch the game. While Lehigh did lose there were some amazing touchdowns and tackles throughout the game. We drove around the Bethlehem area and my favorite sight was showing my family the steel stacks at night. We decided to call it a night at around 8:00 on Saturday and said our goodbyes. On Sunday my brother arrived and we didn’t participate in any events. We were going to participate in the 5K, but my brother didn’t feel like getting up that early. Instead we stayed in my dorm, played a few games, and watched a few movies.

I don’t really need an event like Family Weekend to meet with my family again, because the orthodontist requires that I go back once a month, but it is still nice to see everyone. Overall I’d say the weekend was a success because my family and I had a blast. Plus, while we were walking around the campus we learned about an upcoming student play when a group of students, one acting and dressed like a gorilla, gave us a card with the information and a banana for each of us. It was an interesting experience and helped me to realize that you don’t always know what’s going to happen on campus, and it can be a pleasant surprise.

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